I haven't updated much recently because it doesn't seem like much is changing at the house these days. We're slowing chipping away at little projects. Paul added the rest of the door handles to our kitchen cabinets yesterday. We used these great
IKEA handles (without the round discs on the back.)

Paul also trimmed the trees out front, which means you can walk in the front door without being brushed on the head with pine branches. Nice.
And this week, a painter is working to paint our entire main living space in Glidden Gentle Tide.

It's exciting to have the wall color in the works, but the house is in shambles once again. Paul said it perfect last night: There's ANOTHER DeWalt radio in our living room.

It's the quintessential sign of the state of things at our house.
In the meantime, we're only eight weeks 'til D-Day - yikes! The baby's room is currently packed solid with odds and ends from the living room, and boxes of gear from
last weekend's baby shower that I haven't begun to open. Amid all of the chaos, I've adopted a new mantra: we will be ready in time...we will be ready in time...